Thursday, 25 August 2011

Jessica's Lime & Mascarpone Cheesecake

I made this for my boy one day, as part of a surprise Italian themed evening (I made moustaches and everything, it wasn't lame.) Refreshing and surprisingly sweet, this tasty morsel is definitely worth trying.

250g ginger biscuits
50g butter (melted)
500g mascarpone cheese
50g icing sugar
2 limes (juice & zest)

1. Smash up the biscuits into fine crumbs. I like to do this by placing them in a tea-towel, twist up the corners and whack the crap out of those bad-boy biscuits onto the worktop. Anger management? Sorted.
2. Add the melted butter to the crumbs.
3.Get a cake tin, and press the mixture firmly into the bottom of it.
4. Mix together the cheese, icing sugar and limey bits.
5. Spread on top of the base and leave to chill in the fridge for about thirty minutes.
6. Then go nuts on decoration! I melted loads of dark chocolate and grated more limes etc. yumyumyum.


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